Lively discussion


Working at night

Turquoise coloured cushions with workstations



Mallorca at night
What a fantastic day this 3rd day of the terrestris code sprint!
Not only does the summer seem to be returning outside but from indoors numerous successes can also be reported.
NRW-WMS a bit different For example an intricately styled WMS for the whole of North-Rhine Westfalia was created using OpenStreetMap data which was then accelerated using the
GeoExt goes ExtJS 4 During the migration of
GeoExt some more classes were transferred to the new
ExtJS 4 framework as well as adapting the GeoExt testsuite to the new conditions so that currently no tests of GeoExt 1.0 fail with the migrated classes.
OGC Web Services interaction Using the
GeoServer REST-Api we managed to automatically visualise our sensors in a WMS-layer although they are modelled with a
Sensor Observation Service (SOS). This circumvents the problem of too many vector features in a WebGIS client so that now large sensor networks can be visualised on the web using a WMS.
Fans of OpenLayers take note Our time-honoured OpenLayers builder that generates a custom build of OpenLayers on-the-fly has been updated to the currently stable version 2.11. This is where you can generate a custom version of
OpenLayers using a Web-GUI (incl. minimising the code).
Secondary areas of activity We continued the development of WebGIS applications based on
Symfony2 and OpenLayers/ExtJS 4. A demo version is set to go online here shortly.
The database for the country geocoder was optimised for english and german search items. A respective service (WFS) will be implemented here shortly.
On the last day of our codesprint we will do everything to prepare ourselves for future challenges and to provide our customers with customary high quality using Open Source technologies. We will summarise our last day here as well.