HERMOSA Bulletin: Building HERMOSA with Free and Open Source Software

Software is codified knowledge and in essence a text file with a number of commands. Whatever we do nowadays, making a phone call, driving a car, booking a hotel or restoring ecosystems would not be possible without software. The software landscape can be divided into two fundamental sections: proprietary...

Our road to FOSSGIS 2021: April 2021

Wir alle waren voller Vorfreude auf die diesjährige FOSSGIS Konferenz, wir hatten gehofft uns nach den vielen von der Pandemie bestimmten Tagen endlich wieder richtig mit Kunden, Freunden oder Kollegen treffen zu können. Aber leider macht uns auch hier das Virus einen ordentlichen Strich durch die Rechnung. Die FOSSGIS...

Copernicus – Europe’s eyes on Earth – at your fingertips

Today it is common practice for everyone to take pictures with digital cameras or mobile phones. When photographing people they are usually not more than a few meters away while landscape pictures might have a range of a few hundred meters or a couple of kilometers at the most....