- “What You Type Is What You See: Comparing two web-based open source approaches to display the results of spatial SQL queries”
- “Comparing TileCache, GeowebCache and MapProxy”
- “GeoExt and MapFish Client components – how to migrate”
- “Comparison of SOS-Servers: UMN, deegree and 52°-SOS”
- “Putting things together: Geonetwork opensource, OpenLayers, GeoExt and MapFish under the roof of Drupal CMS – Geoportal RO as an example”
FOSS4G akzeptiert 5 Beiträge von terrestris
During the FOSS4G conference in Barcelona in September there are 120 presentation slots consisting of 30 minutes each. In total more than 360 presentations were submitted. terrestris also proposed some talks and is happy to announce that the following presentations were accepted: