Aktuelles aus der Mongolei
The kick-off meeting for phase 2 of the MoMo project took place in Mongolia from September 21 to 22, 2010. The objective for terrestris in this was to get to know the mongolian partners and inform all partners about the work to be accomplished by terrestris during the next 3 years. After this meeting terrestris went to the test site in the Sognogor valley for familiarisation purposes. This valley is located in the upper reaches of the Kharaa catchment and the work there is designated to provide insights into the overall hydrology.
During our presence there a weather station was installed which will be augmented next year as well as being supplemented by river gauges. This monitoring campaign has some additional stations near the city of Darkhan where various project partners are researching sanitary environmental engineering as well as dealing with special water- and waste-water problems of the ger settlements. This part of the catchment measuring just under 15.000 km² was also inspected.
This trip lasting 2 weeks has provided a good overview of the situation in Mongolia and the work lying ahead. The next trip to Mongolia is scheduled for early summer of 2011.