terrestris retreat 2011
As every year terrestris also held a retreat this year. Why we do this is quickly told: We take some time aside from our normal business with ringing telephones and pressing appointments and talk about the things that go well and those that don’t. From this we derive future actions and try and improve all aspects. Because we work in a very dynamic environment and constellations are subject to change we try and slow down at regular intervals so that we can readjust.
This year our retreat took place under special circumstances. We chartered a 13 meter catamaran on the island of Mallorca, Spain and sailed it to the island of Cabrera and back. For almost everybody from terrestris it was a new experience to spend a few days on a sailboat. Result: Nobody fell overboard, nobody was sea sick and we all came home with new and pleasant impressions. We would like to share some pictures with you and thank our on-board photographer Dennis Hellmich for these!