- Camptocamp
- OpenGeo
- terrestris
- Mapgears
GeoExt Codesprint Spring 2012
What is a Code-Sprint?
A code sprint is something typically „open source“. The aim is to physically gather developers from all over the world in one location so that in the course of an intensive workshop the software is pushed ahead. The result of an OpenLayers workshop that took place last year were mobile operating functions which now benefit all users.
GeoExt enables building desktop-like GIS applications on the internet. The framework combines GIS functionality of the web mapping component OpenLayers with the elegant user interface of the javascript library ExtJS provided by the company Sencha. GeoExt is Free Software available under the BSD-license.
ExtJS 4
The new version ExtJS 4 has been available for some time. ExtJS 4 offers many new and attractive functions like for example the possibility to draw diagrams and an API to Sencha Touch to create mobile applications. A so called Model-View-Controller architekture (MVC) was integrated, the API was enhanced, new classes were added and the documentation was completely reworked.
GeoExt Codesprint 2012
GeoExt currently works with ExtJS 3. The API of ExtJS 4 however is quite different to its predecessor. To make the new ExtJS-functions available to GeoExt users GeoExt has to be adapted. That is the reason why in the Spring of 2012 a codesprint will take place with the target of developing GeoExt 2.0 on the basis of ExtJS 4. Participants are scheduled to come from the companies