Wednesday, day 2 of this years FOSSGIS in Dessau. The guys from terrestris had another full day today. Besides taking care of our stand there were two talks and workshops respectively by terrestris. Christian Mayer started the terrestris-day with a talk titled “SHOGun“, the new full solution WebGIS from terrestris. The consistently positive reaction encourages us to advance the project as quickly as possible and to publish it as Open Source. After the lunch break there was some more concentrated activity with two workshops in parallel looked after by terrestris and OpenGeo. Johannes Weskamm and Marc Jansen gave an introduction to the implementation of “Mobile GIS WebApps with GeoExt Mobile (GXM)“. At the same time Christian Mayer and Andreas Hocevar gave an “Introduction to Rich Map Clients with GeoExt“. Both workshops were well attended and were well received by the audience. Johannes Weskamm finished the day with his talk titled “wms2GO – The WMS to take with you”. Amongst other things it explained how the Open Source project wms2GO makes WMS and WFS available offline in a fully-fledged WebGIS. The day wound down by eating tasty pizza and pasta and ended in the local pub “1930” where we met numerous FOSSGIS particpants with whom we discussed the days events.