- Hydrologic relevance of climate change
- Landuse change and its hydrological implications
- Groundwater monitoring, -modelling and -simulation
- Assessment of ecological quality using bio indicators
- Nutrient balances
- Integrative sanitation system for the city of Darkhan
- Current situation of water supply and wastewater treatment in the city of Darkhan
- Pilot operation of a Waste Water Treatment Plant in Darkhan and Orkhon Sum
- Waste water treatment with integrated wood production
- River Basin Management in Mongolia
- Fishery management in the Onon catchment
- The impact of education on IWRM outside of the classroom
MoMo status workshop in Mongolia
This years’ workshop (May 15-17, 2012) regarding the status of the project Integrated Water Ressources Management: Model Region Mongolia (MoMo) funded by the German Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF) takes place in Darkhan, the second largest city of the country, located approximately 250 km north of the Mongolian capital Ulan-Bator. Two years worth of work have already been accomplished of the 3 year project and accordingly tight is the timetable that is to convey the results using talks, workshops and on-site visits to all stakeholders involved.
Subjects of the workshops included: