Should you have questions regarding the new GeoExt release don’t hesitate to contact us. We will comment the upcoming release with a separate and detailed news entry.
GeoExt project in motion
Marc Jansen from our staff was selected last week into the Project Steering Committee (PSC) of the GeoExt project. Marc is now directly co-responsible for the destiny of the project.
Besides Marc Jansen the GeoExt-PSC welcomes Julien-Samuel Lacroix from the company MapGears from Canada as the second ‘newbie’. Both PSC-members have been core developers of the project for quite some time.
We are also glad to announce the imminent release of the new “GeoExt 2.0” version. This release is scheduled for the beginning of October. Even before being selected into the PSC Marc Jansen was the designated release-manager. GeoExt 2.0 will be based on Ext JS 4.2.1 and will essentially contain the same functionality as GeoExt 1.1, albeit on the new Ext JS version. The components of GeoExt 2.0 will perform just like the standard components of Ext 4 and can thus be used in the excellent MVC (Model-View-Controller) schematic. The build process (generating special variants of Ext JS with an absolute minimum of necessary JavaScript-files) for lean application code is integrated into GeoExt 2.0. Especially the documentation will be reminiscent of Ext.