Economy Talks of Bonn
On Tuesday, 28th of June the 19th Economy Talks of Bonn (http://www.bonner-wirtschaftsgespraeche.de) took place on the forecourt of the Opera in Bonn. For the 12th time, the general manager of mundialis and terrestris, Hinrich Paulsen, attended this event, which offers great possibilities for networking.
This year, he had a printed satellite image with him.
This image was the cause for many conversations: “What is this…?” was a frequent way to start stimulating discussions about the exceptional branch “art” of the geo informatics company mundialis. (http://www.mundialis.de/art/)
The conclusion of this event, which took place in good weather, with culinary delicacies and excellent conversations, is simple: terrestris and mundialis will participate in the 20th Economy Talks of Bonn (20. Bonner Wirtschaftsgespräche) next year for sure!