We are eagerly awaiting and preparing the upcoming FOSS4G 2016 in Bonn!
Because of the participation in the FOSS4G, the two companies terrestris and mundialis are partially available from 22nd to 26th of August 2016. We kindly ask for your understanding.
From 22nd to 26th of August 2016 we are pleased to welcome you at the terrestris booth in the WCCB (World Conference Center Bonn). For spontaneous visitors, there is a box office at the entrance of the WCCB where tickets can be purchased. We are looking forward to your visit!
After the 29th of August we will be available with out any limitations as usual.
Ab dem 29.08.2016 sind wir wieder wie gewohnt und ohne Einschränkungen für Sie erreichbar.
Ihre Teams von terrestris und mundialis