“Friederike Pauk/Geographisches Institut der Universität Bonn”
On May 5th 2017, the 10th job and internship convention took place at the Department of Geography at Bonn University. The motto of this year’s event was: “Geography is what geographers are doing”. The aim of the event was to enable students to develop personal contacts for internships, final projects and their entry into the workforce. Furthermore, it was supposed give them an impression of the professional field that is geography.

“Friederike Pauk/Geographisches Institut der Universität Bonn”
The convention was initiated at 1 pm with a panel discussion, which demonstrated different career paths for geographers. In addition, the question of specialization during one’s studies was discussed, particularly with regard to the field’s different sectors. Representing terrestris, our CEO Till Adams was a member of the panel and also attended the entire event.
The complete report can be accessed here.