We were all looking forward to this year’s FOSSGIS conference, we had hoped to finally being able to meet up with customers, friends or colleagues again after the many days dominated by the pandemic. But unfortunately, the virus is still there. So, after 2013, FOSSGIS 2021 will not take place again in Rapperswil, Switzerland, instead of this, like so many events these days, it will take place as an online-event, even though Rapperswil remains the official venue. Speaking of Rapperswil: We have very positive memories of exactly this conference: Exactly at that FOSSGIS conference in 2013 a small circle of FOSSGIS activists have born the idea to host FOSS4G 2016. How the story turned out is well known
Nevertheless, FOSSGIS 2021 will not be cancelled, as said, it will take place as an online-event. And we will be back at this year’s FOSSGIS conference with a large number of talks and workshops. Our idea is to provide a slightly deeper insight into one of our talks or workshops in each month leading up to the conference. In that way we want to evoke the anticipation denied by the shift to the internet! We start now in April with an overview of all the talks and events coming from our house:
- “Agile Entwicklung, Open Source und amtliche Daten (Agile development, open source and official data)”, Arnulf Christl (Bühne 1, 07.06. 16-16h30)
- “SHOGun als Basis flexibler WebGIS-Lösungen — Oder: Weder “off-the-shelf” noch “fully handcrafted (SHOGun as a basis for flexible WebGIS solutions – Or: Neither “off-the-shelf” nor “fully handcrafted)””, Marc Jansen (Bühne 1, 09.06. 10-10h30)
- “OpenLayers Feature Frenzy — Tolle Dinge, die OpenLayers kann, von denen aber zu wenige wissen (OpenLayers Feature Frenzy – Great things OpenLayers can do, but too few know about)”, Marc Jansen & Andreas Hocevar (Bühne 1, 07.06. 11h30-12h)
- “Daten und Datenprozessierung;SmartMapping: Amtliche Daten als VectorTiles (Data and data processing;SmartMapping: official data as VectorTiles)”, Arnulf Christl (Bühne 2, 09.06. 11-11h30)
- “Orchestrierung einer GDI über Docker (Orchestrating a GDI via Docker)”, Daniel Koch & Jan Suleiman (Workshop 1.6, 08.06. 14-15:30 Uhr)
- ” Kartographie und Visualisierung;GeoStyler – Eine UI für alle* (Cartography and Visualisation;GeoStyler – One UI for All*)” Jan Suleiman (Workshop 3.1, 07.06. 16-17h30)
- “Geodaten-Styling im GeoServer (Geodata styling in GeoServer)” Daniel Koch & Hannes Blitza (Workshop 2.7, 08.06. 16-17:30 Uhr)
- “MapProxy im Praxiseinsatz (MapProxy in practical use)”, Hannes Blitza (Workshop 1.3, 07.06. 16-17h30)
- “Einführung GeoServer (Introduction GeoServer)”, Daniel Koch & Hannes Blitza (Workshop 1.2, 07.06. 14-15h30)
- “react-geo – Mapping mit React (react-geo – Mapping with React)”, Jan Suleiman & Daniel Koch (Workshop 1.4, 08.06. 09-10h30)
Community Meetings:
- OpenLayers Anwender- & Entwicklertreffen / BOF (OpenLayers User & Developer Meeting), Marc Jansen & Andreas Hocevar (not yet scheduled)
We think that we will be able to present and convey a broad spectrum of the topics that we focus on in our company, especially with the large number of workshops offered, but also through our lectures. We look forward to your active participation!