terrestris unterstützt ADAC Nordrhein e.V.

terrestris’ line of business are interactive maps on the internet. Rather special therefore was the contract awarded to us by the ADAC Nordrhein e.V. to build a cash registry system for the 39th ADAC Zurich 24h-Race 2011 which took place on the Nürburgring from June 23rd to 26th, 2011. 24h_Freies_Training_11_Manthey-Porsche Naturally the teams need fuel to be able to race. Due to the duration of the event there are numerous refuelling stops. Now a racer cannot pull up to the fuel station like a normal car driver, refuel, pay and then continue but this whole process has to be organised differently. In the current case helpers are in action who note the amount of fuel on a fuelling receipt and take this document to the cash registry where it is entered by hand into the account of the team which prior to starting the race has paid a fuelling deposit. The system implemented by terrestris takes care of the accounting and produces a final invoice at the end of the race. This helps the race organisers to run a smooth race.2011-24h-NBR-Suer-5822 Even though this kind of application does not belong to the core activities of terrestris the system stood up well during the race. Some terrestris staff participated as spectators which was also something very special for us.