Event by terrestris on 23rd of September 2016 in the frame of the GeoSummer 2016 in Bonn

Google Maps – and then? New information services that go far beyond this.

Almost everyone knows Google Maps and on nearly all smartphones a navigation-App can be found. Both only touch the surface of the vast opportunities that could be realised with the help of geographical data and information within a professional frame. Which chances are provided by spatial data in your profession will be explained at this terrestris event in the frame of GeoSummer 2016.

We wish to address explicity representatives of administration and authorities, companies from the IT sector, but also those in the real estate industry, the logistics sector, travel industry or the insurance sector. With the help of different impulse lectures we will point out which data are alreday available for free and any further use.

  • keyword: open data – and which free software tools
  • keyword: open source – help to create individual information services from the data which meet your exact requirements

A panel with the opportunity to network will round off the event.

Participation is free. We kindly ask for a binding registration via info@terrestris.de

Date: 23rd of September 2016
Time: 12 am – 3 pm
Venue: terrestris GmbH & Co. KG, Kölnstraße 99, 53111 Bonn