Presentations of terrestris at this year’s FOSS4G Europe

This year’s FOSS4G Europe takes place from July 18th-22nd 2017 at Cité Descartes campus of Marne-la-Vallée in Paris, France. Our general manager Till Adams will present the following talks: “SHOGun2 – Yet another WebGIS framework?” “Vision of FOSS4G – why the community needs business (and business the community)”

Presentation of terrestris at this year’s FOSS4G

FOSS4G 2017 will take place at the Seaport Hotel & World Trade Center in Boston from August 14th – 19th 2017. Marc Jansen from terrestris will be represent the company. We are pleased that the topic talk presented by Marc Jansen “AnOI, GeoExt, MapStore 2, ngeo… – An overview of...

FOSSGIS 2018 takes place in Bonn

  It is official: the FOSSGIS 2018 takes place from March 21st – 23rd 2018 in Bonn. The venue is the Geographical Institute of the University of Bonn, Meckenheimer Allee 166, 53115 Bonn. Of course terrestris will be part of the FOSSGIS 2018.